Students are required to take a minimum of twelve courses , and this is normally done during the first two years of study. A minimum quality requirement, set by the Graduate School, must be met. This stipulates that a student must earn a grade of Honors in two graduate courses. The purpose of course work is to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the field and prepare for the qualifying examinations. In addition to taking regular courses offered by the Department of Religious Studies and other departments, students may remedy gaps in knowledge through directed readings or by auditing appropriate courses. Students in Ethics usually take courses at the Divinity School and in the Department of Philosophy, and in other departments and schools in the University such as Political Science, Sociology, the Bioethics Center, the Law School, Medical School, School of Forestry, etc., according to their particular interests. The Department of Religious Studies also has a joint degree program with the Department of African American Studies.
Some Course Possibilities within the Field:
Political Theology (Herdt)
Virtue and Hypocrisy: Moral Thought in Early Modern Christianity (Herdt)
Imago Dei and Human Dignity (Herdt)
Natural Law and Christian Ethics (Herdt)
Biomedical Ethics in Theological Perspective (Herdt)
Value and Transcendence (Herdt)
Virtue and Christian Ethics (Herdt)
Sex, Marriage, and Family (Herdt)
Ethical Formation (Herdt)
Environmental Ethics (Jenkins)
Scripture and Social Ethics (Jenkins)
Theology, Ethics, and Environment (Jenkins)
Social Ethics (Jenkins)
Neighborhood Ethics (Jenkins)
Global Ethics (Jenkins)
Ecology and Ethics (Jenkins)
Introduction to Christian Ethics I (Simmons)
Introduction to Christian Ethics II (Simmons)
The Ethics of Saint Augustine (Simmons)
Ethics and Human Nature (Simmons)
Contemporary Cosmology and Christian Ethics (Simmons)