Senior Essay Calendar - Spring 2024

* Note: Dates may be subject to change.


Tuesday, January 16 to February 20

Students will give presentations on their senior essay topics to the DUS and their classmates during the Senior Essay meeting time (Tuesdays 9:25-11:15). Describe your project, identify the methods employed in your research to-date, and summarize your preliminary results and conclusions. Schedule of presentations to be arranged at the start of term.

Tuesday, February 6

One Chapter of Essay DUE to your advisor and DUS.

Friday, March 29

First Draft of Essay DUE to your advisor and DUS.

Monday, April 16

FINAL DEADLINE for submission of completed SENIOR ESSAY.  Three copies must be submitted by 5pm on this date: one to each of your advisors and one to the DUS (it is your responsibility distribute the three copies of the essay to each of these readers.)