
Author(s): Harold Attridge, with James VanderKam

Since late in the nineteenth century, a nearly constant element in the program for the annual meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature (and Exegesis) has been the lecture delivered by the president whose term concludes with that meeting. These presidential addresses have not only provided...
Author(s): co-edited by Steven Fraade, Aharon Shemesh & Ruth A. Clements

The studies in this volume examine the intersection of the Dead Sea Scrolls with early rabbinic literature. Methodological attention is paid to questions of the nature of sectarian and rabbinic law and narrative, and how they may elucidate one another.
Author(s): Miroslav Volf

Can one forget atrocities? Should one forgive abusers? Ought we not hope for the final reconciliation of all the wronged and all wrongdoers alike, even if it means spending eternity with perpetrators of evil? We live in an age when it is generally accepted that past wrongs - genocides, terrorist...
Author(s): Paul Franks

Interest in German Idealism--not just Kant, but Fichte and Hegel as well--has recently developed within analytic philosophy, which traditionally defined itself in opposition to the Idealist tradition. Yet one obstacle remains especially intractable: the Idealists’ longstanding claim that philosophy...
Author(s): Michael Cooperson, Shawkat M. Toorawa

This award-winning multi-volume series is dedicated to making literature and its creators better understood and more accessible to students and interested readers, while satisfying the standards of librarians, teachers and scholars. Dictionary of Literary Biography provides reliable information in...
Author(s): Gregory Sterling

"Armenian Paradigms" provides a systematic presentation of the morphology of classical Armenian. Developed in the context of a course in Armenian at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, it serves as a pedagogical aid for any who are learning or reviewing classical Armenian. The booklet is invaluable...
Author(s): Wayne Meeks

In this series of reflections on the mystery of Jesus and the questions that surround him, noted New Testament scholar Wayne Meeks redirects the course of the Jesus debates. Insisting that we cease focusing on who the historical Jesus was and ask instead, who is Christ? Meeks demonstrates with...
Author(s): Kathryn Tanner

Are there any fair and viable alternatives to global capitalism? University of Chicago theologian Kathryn Tanner offers here a serious and creative proposal for evaluating economic theory and behavior through a theological lens.
Author(s): John J. Collins

This important book for use in Old Testament courses is also a valuable resource for those exploring the role of the Bible in culture today. The articles include: Theoretical Issues "Is a Critical Biblical Theology Possible?" "Biblical Theology and the History of Israelite Religion" "The...
Author(s): Gregory Sterling

For centuries scholars have recognized the apologetic character of the Hellenistic Jewish historians, Josephus, and Luke-Acts; they have not, however, addressed their possible relationships to each other and to their wider cultures. In this systematic effort to set these authors within the...