
Author(s): Kathryn Tanner

Since the 1970s exciting new directions in the study of culture have erupted to critique and displace earlier, largely static notions. These more dynamic models stress the indeterminate, fragmented, even conflictual character of cultural processes and completely alter the framework for thinking...
Author(s): Miroslav Volf

Life at the end of the twentieth century presents us with a disturbing reality. Otherness, the simple fact of being different in some way, has come to be defined as in and of itself evil. Miroslav Volf contends that if the healing word of the gospel is to be heard today, Christian theology must...
Author(s): Bruce Gordon

The reforming movements of the 16th century were constantly being attacked by Rome for breaking the unity of the Apostolic Church. To counter these accusations the reformers turned to questions of 'tradition', 'history' and 'identity' in order to define and express the religious, political and...
Author(s): George Brooke, John Collins, Torleif Elgvin, Peter Flint, Jonas Greenfield, Erik Larson, Carol Newsom, Puech, Lawrence Schiffman, with James VanderKam (Contributor)

This volume contains a collection of Jewish works composed during the intertestamental period linked to biblical texts through characters, themes, or genre. Some of these were known previously as part of the Pseudepigrapha, while others were not previously known. They all enhance our understanding...
Author(s): Charles E. Curran (Editor), Richard A. McCormick (Editor), Margaret A. Farley (Editor)

Three of the most eminent Catholic moral theologians in this country have gathered together in one volume a valuable collection of 25 of the most important articles in th field of feminist ethics and the Catholic moral tradition.
Author(s): Ivan G. Marcus

In medieval times, when a Jewish boy of five began religious schooling, he was carried from home to a teacher and placed on the teacher's lap. He was then asked to recite the Hebrew alphabet and lick honey from the slate on which it was written, to eat magically inscribed cooked peeled eggs and...
Author(s): Mr. Miroslav Volf (Editor), Mr. Carmen Krieg (Series Editor), Mr. Thomas Kucharz (Series Editor)

Front-ranking figures in today’s theological enterprise have contributed to this superb collection of essays setting the agenda for theology in the twenty-first century. Contributors include Stanley Hauerwas, John Howard Yoder, Gustavo Gutierrez, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Hans Kung, and numerous...
Author(s): L.S. Cahill (Editor), M.A. Farley (Editor)

Embodiment, Morality and Medicine deals with the relevance of `embodiment’ to bioethics, considering both the historical development and contemporary perspectives on the mind–body relation. The emphasis of all authors is on the importance of the body in defining personal identity as well as...
Author(s): Denys Turner

Monks and priests - male celibates - have for centuries described, expressed, and celebrated their love for God in the language of sex, most prolifically and characteristically in a thousand-year tradition of theological commentaries on the scriptural Song of Songs. As their allegory for the...
Author(s): Carlos M. N. Eire

This book reveals the workings of a culture that cherished death, and invested its resources in the pursuit of heaven. This is the first full-length study of Spanish attitudes toward death and the afterlife in the peak years of the Counter-Reformation. It contains an analysis of the death rituals...