The Religion of Business: In Honor of Sarah Hammond
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. / roundtable discussion of God’s Businessmen with Kati Curts (Sewanee, The University of The South), Lerone Martin (Washington University in St. Louis), and Chad Seals (University of Texas)
3:30 - 5:00 p.m. / discussion of the publication of God’s Businessmen with Robert Devens (University of Texas Press), Darren Dochuk (University of Notre Dame), and Timothy Mennel (University of Chicago Press)
The evangelical embrace of conservatism is a familiar feature of the contemporary political landscape. What’s less well-known, however, is the long economic history of these religious politics. In her new book, Sarah Hammond ‘99, ’10PhD, offers the story of evangelical businessmen who merged their religious and business lives, financing and organizing evangelical causes with the kind of visionary pragmatism that they practiced in the boardroom.
This conference celebrates the publication of God’s Businessmen: Entrepreneurial Evangelicals in Depression and War (2017), Edited by award-winning historian Darren Dochuk, God’s Businessmen is a book that testifies not only to the work of Sarah Hammond did in the archives, but also to the community she forged through her joy for scholarship and historical explanation. We invite all members of the interdisciplinary scholarly communities that benefit from God’s Businessmen as well as friends and colleagues who wish to remember Sarah Hammond (1977-2011). Any questions about this event should be directed to Kathryn Lofton (
For more information, please contact Kathryn Lofton