Congratulations to Christine Hayes for being awarded an honorary doctoral degree in Theology by Lund University in Sweden. The Swedish press release can be found here. The citation acknowledges Chris as “an exceptionally well-respected scholar and a valued teacher whose many areas of research include Rabbinic Judaism and literature, Jewish identity, and Jewish law. In the award-winning book ‘What’s Divine about Divine Law? Early Perspectives’ (2015), Hayes compares different conceptions of divine law in the Bible and the surrounding Greco-Roman culture and shows how tensions between them still shape Western thought and legal tradition today.”
The press release quotes the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Professor Stephan Borgehammar, with these words: “By appointing Christine Hayes as an honorary doctor at the Faculty of Theology in Lund, the Faculty recognizes a distinguished scholar whose penetrating studies of late antique Judaism illuminate and enrich the self-understanding of contemporary Western culture.”
Congratulations, Chris!