ISM Fellows Event: Musical Relationalities in Islamic Lands and Diasporas

Event time: 
Sunday, April 27, 2025 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Miller Hall (PROS406) See map
406 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

The concept of relationality has been defined by political theologist Fannie Bialek “as a critical term, [that] rejects individualist conceptions of the self and subject for a conception of the self as made by its relations with others, such that there may be no ‘I’ without ‘you’ or ‘us.’ ” Relationality is not only about being in relation with others, but also about being constituted by others, not only at the individual’s level but also in inter-group relationships as well. Applying this concept to the field of music in Islamic lands, the symposium explores how relationships fostered by music-making have crossed ethnonational and confessional lines destabilizing nation- and religion-centered narratives. 

A symposium convened by ISM Fellow Edwin Seroussi.

This event is free and open to the public and will also be livestreamed.

Please register if you plan on attending lunch at this event. Registration is only required for lunch and not for the overall event.


Nili Belkind
Nancy Berg
Issa Boulos
Dina Danon
Oded Erez
Jonathan Glasser
Ameera Nimjee
Edwin Seroussi
Jonathan Shannon

Open to: 
General Public