Event time:
Saturday, September 2, 2023 - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Sterling Divinity Quadrangle (SDQ ), N100 (Great Hall)
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Event description:
Yale students and members of the New Haven community are invited to audition for the 2023-24 season for Yale Schola Cantorum, Yale Camerata, Yale Recital Chorus, Yale Repertory Chorus, and other chapel choruses.
Singers are invited to prepare a short solo song or aria (accompanist provided) and will be led through a few simple vocal exercises demonstrating range and musicianship skills. Only one audition is required to be considered for membership in multiple ISM choral ensembles.
Registration is required. To learn more about the different ensembles and for a link to register for an audition, click on the link provided.
Open to:
General Public
Don Youngberg