Biophilia: In Excelsis Art Exhibit

Event time: 
Sunday, April 14, 2024 - 12:00am
Miller Hall (PROS406) See map
406 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Biophilia: In Excelsis is an art exhibition that focuses on the theme of sacred ecosystems, including oceans and forests, and their imminent transformation due to increased global warming. Curated by M. Annenberg, it brings together twenty-two artists who represent different cultural backgrounds, generations, and geographic locations, and who explore the concept of Biophilia, the love of life. It will be on view at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music’s Miller Hall at 406 Prospect Street, New Haven from March 27-May 3, 2024 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12-4 p.m. A catalog will be available with essay by art critic, Eleanor Heartney. This exhibition is sponsored by the Institute of Sacred Music’s Religion, Ecology, and Expressive Culture Initiative.

Mark your calendars for an opening reception at 5:30 p.m. on March 27 in Miller Hall with the following panelists:

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, Director, NASA, Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Artists: Susan Hoffman Fishman, Eleanor Goldstein, and Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky
Moderator: M. Annenberg

“The artists in Biophilia: In Excelsis dwell in the sacred apprehension of the divine in the life forms that draw us to them. We are in relationship with the spiritual presence that transcends the objects and beings that surround us—the life forms of trees, water, sky, and of the myriad creatures of the forests and the fields. As Thomas Berry wrote, “that numinous presence whence all things come into being.’”— M. Annenberg

The following artists will be featured:

M. Annenberg
Krisanne Baker
Lois Bender
Walter Brown
Diane Burko
Janet Culbertson
Cameron Davis
Noreen Dean Dresser
Danielle Eubank
Susan Hoffman Fishman
Eleanor Goldstein
Kathy Levine
Angela Manno
Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky
Cristian Pietrapiana
Elisa Pritzker
Lisa Reindorf
Babs Reingold
Ann Shapiro
Steven Siegel
Simone Spicer
Suzanne Theodora White

Open to: 
General Public